Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Certified Scrum Master - Qualified

It was a wonderful experience when I was undergoing CSM training at Le Meridian, Bangalore. It was a two days training program to get the certification. Pete Deemer, Harvard University Graduate, Certified Scrum Trainer took the session for two days. The session was good and it was so lively with lot of exercises and fun. After two official days, I got the certificate from Scrum Alliance, USA. Now I am one among 60,000 CSMs throughout the world. I think, there are hardly few people completed this course in India. Though this course is bit costly, I always think, this is a good investment in my corporate career. So, hereafter, my name is
J.B.Rajkumar CSM
I will be the Scrum Master in the Agile Projects.

Friday, August 21, 2009

IBM RSC 2009

I felt so honoured when I was called to present my paper in IBM RSC 2009. The same event, when it was happened last year 2008, I thought I should be one of the speakers in the conference. By God's grace, it was happened so. My paper title was "The Need of Rational Quality Manager in the world of Scrum and Agile Testing" . Presented on 13 Aug 2009.

It was a wonderful experience to present a paper in Seven Star hotel, Leela Palace, Bangalore one among all the Rational Gurus from US. It was lasted for an hour. There were lot questions on Scrum environment. I was so comfortable in giving answers. There was heterogenous crowd, may be all people from different IT organisation. I am also thankful to my Managers who gave permission to present the papers.

My name is displaying in IBM site as one of the speakers.


Friday, July 24, 2009

Database Testing - Comparing Two Tables Values Through QTP

I was just doing some Database testing using QTP. The following code will check whether both Database tables have equal values. This can be used multiple scenarios, like Two Database comparison, Two or more Table values comparisons, so on.

'Get Two different data from two different Tables and compare it;
'Two different Database and check their values.
' First Table Name - -> EmpTable
' Second Table Name ---> DeptTable
'Database ---> MS Access

' First Table Connection
Dim conn,rs
Set conn=createobject("adodb.connection")
Set rs=createobject("adodb.recordset")conn.provider="microsoft.jet.oledb.4.0"conn.open"C:\db1.mdb"
' creating an object for the recordsetset
rs =CreateObject("ADODB.recordset")
' DB Query for selecting all the records available from EmpTable
rs.open "select * from EmpTable",conn
' Adding Headings
datatable.GetSheet(1).addparameter "EMPLOYEE NO","
"datatable.GetSheet(1).addparameter " NAME","
"datatable.GetSheet(1).addparameter "DESIGNATION","
"datatable.GetSheet(1).addparameter " ADDRESS",""row=1
' Loop for each records
Do While not rs.EOF
datatable.Value("EMPLOYEE_NO",1) = rs.fields("EmpNo")
val1 = datatable.Value("NAME",1)row=row +1rs.movenext loop
' Second Table Operation
set rs1 =CreateObject("ADODB.recordset")
'DB Query for selecting all the records available from DeptTable
rs1.open "select * from DeptTable",conn
datatable.GetSheet(1).addparameter "EMPNO_Dept",""
datatable.GetSheet(1).addparameter "EMPNAME_Dept",""
datatable.GetSheet(1).addparameter "DEPTNAME_Dept",""
' Assigning values from First row
do While not rs1.EOF
datatable.Value("EMPNO_Dept",1)=rs1.fields("EmpNo")datatable.Value ("EMPNAME_Dept",1)=rs1.fields("EmpName")
row=row +1rs1.movenextloop
' Create one more Column called ResultColumn
For i=1 to cnt
NewVal = DataTable.Value("EMPNAME_Dept","Global")
' Comparing two NAME fields
If OldVal = NewVal Then
DataTable.Value("ResultColumn","Global") = oldVal
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass, "P","The Names Fields are Equal "
else Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"F","The Names Fields are Not Equal"
End If

Monday, July 13, 2009

Challenges in Agile Automated Testing

Recently, when I wanted to start my new Automated Testing Project with four resources, I thought of applying any one of the Agile methodologies. But I was not able to continue because, a series of questions were raised inside my mind. The questions are like “Is it possible to use Agile methodologies in Automated Testing?”, “Can I use traditional tools”, “Should I have to go for open-source tools”, “What are the challenges I have to face if I am implementing automation in Agile Environment”. Automated testing in the Agile environment stands a risk of becoming chaotic, unstructured and uncontrolled. I published an article on the same topic in softwaretestinghelp.com

Friday, May 8, 2009

How Testers Can be More Innovative in the Age of Agile Testing?

Here are Important Keys to Innovation:
1. Creative
A good Agile Tester needs to be extremely creative when trying to cope up with speed of development/release. For a tester, being creative is more important than being critical.
2. Talented
He must be highly talented and strives for more learning and innovating new ideas. Talented Testers are never satisfied with what they have achieved and always strives to find unimaginable bugs of high value and priority.
3. Fearless
An Agile Tester should not be afraid to look at a developer’s code and if need be, hopefully in extreme cases, go in and correct it.
4. Visionary
He must have a comprehensive vision, which includes client’s expectations and delivery of the good product.
5. Empowered
He must be empowered to work in Pairs. He will be involving in Pair Programming to bring shorter scripts, better designs and finding more bugs.
6. Passionate
Passionate Testers always have something unique to contribute that may be in terms of their innovative ideas, the way they carry day-to-day work, their outputs and improve things around them tirelessly.
7. Multiple Disciplines
Agile Tester must have multiple skills like, Manual, Functional, Performance testing skills and soft skills like Leadership skills, Communication skills, EI, etc. so that agile testing will become a cake walk.