I attended DFW Scrum at Addison, Dallas on 01/17/2012. It was a great gathering because the founder of Scrum Ken Schwaber was addressing the gathering via WebEx. There were 100 to 125 scrummers gathered and listened to his talk on "What Scrum is and is not". Ken started with how scrum priciples are being followed in many organisations. Then he mentioned about the following points
- Scrum Continuous improvement (scrum+1, Scrum+2, Scrum+3, Scrum+4 and Scrum+5)
- Some changes in Scrum Guide 2011 and 2012. Chicken and Pig were removed from scrum teriminology
- A well matured Scrum (Scrum+5) team creates a forecast of work and believes it will be done, but that forecast will change as more becomes known.
- Plan "Ordered" instead of Prioritized
- Past velocity into the future
- Gain a stability - past velocity but that does not equal to predicalibility
- There is no such Hybrid method "Waterfall"+"Scrum"
I posted a question, "Do we still have two teams like QA and Dev in a Scrum Team ?". He answered "No, there is only one team, it is team's responsibilities for development and testing".
He also pointed out that QA person can be a good Architecture and he can share his ideas in his own interest.
I really enjoyed that 1.5 hours session and that too from an authority of Scrum.