Sunday, June 8, 2014

Webinar on "cloud enabled mobile test automation"

Gave a webinar in Techgig on "Cloud Enabled Mobile Test Automation" on 21 May 2014.  Since the webinar was scheduled at 5.00pm (IST), most of the Indian Techies joined the call.  Appreciate Techgig for their wonderful technical service.  It has been posted in both Techgig website and youtube.

Technical Session at OakLand University

I gave a technical session at IEEE  Spring Conference 2014.  It was held on the Campus of Oakland University in Rochester, Michigan on April 24, 2014.  It was a wonderful experience to attend and present technical sessions in such a reputed conference.  I was able to meet top-notch academicians and industry experts at Oakland University. The conference details has been published IEEE SEM monthly publication "Wavelength".